
Revenue & Payments

Understanding revenue balance and how to retrieve funds from your accounts.

The revenue page shows your overall balance as a summary of the transactions that took place on your events, giving pages or e-stores. You can request that a portion or all of the balance be paid over to you by direct bank deposit, cheque or PayPal. Once the request is submitted, funds are remitted within three business days.

Accessing the revenue page

The revenue page can be accessed by account administrators or other roles with financial management permissions.

Steps to access
  1. Login to SpurrOpen.com and navigate to Manage Accounts.
  2. Select the respective business account from the listing.
  3. Select the respective portal from the list of portals.
  4. Select Revenue Summary from the Reports menu.

After completing these steps you should see a page with heading "Revenue" on a green background.

Understanding Your Balance

The balance is broken down by currency. It shows the total funds you received in the currency that the customer selected when they completed the transaction. This section shows the following information:

  • Currency - The currency of the transaction.
  • Account Income - The total amount available after processing fees are taken out.
  • Pending Requests - The total amount requested and still awaiting processing.
  • Processed Requests - The total amount requested and fully processed.
  • Available Balance - The total amount remaining after the processed and pending requests.
Income Summary

Income summary is broken down by product and shows the total funds that each product generated in the currency that the customer selected when they completed the transaction. This section shows the following information:

  • Product - The tile of the product sold or the item selected for donation.
  • Units - The total number of units sold or donations transactions that took place.
  • Gross Received - The total value of transaction for the product before fees.
  • Commission Rate - The agreed rate/processing fee to be charges on each transaction.
  • Net Amount - The total amount available after processing fees are taken out.

To view the individual transactions that make up the summary use the button labeled View transaction.

Payment Requests

This section lists the requests made for funds to be transferred. It shows the status and total of each request and gives the ability to cancel a request that is pending. Each request is submitted by currency the request total corresponds to the total balance reported for each currency. This section shows the following information:

  • Request No. - A unique identifier for the request.
  • Date - The date of submission.
  • Status - The status of the request.
  • Amount - The currency and amount that was requested.
  • Paid - The percentage complete for payment processing.
Making a new requests

To make a request for payment use the button labeled Payment Request and fill out the form then submit the request. If you have no delivery options with your bank account or cheque information, you may setup and new one by selecting button Add New Option.

Please note that requests are processed within three business days of submission.

Support and Contact

Should you need further support please use our online chat to get in touch. Our online chat agents are available between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST on Weekdays. Outside of these times, you make leave a message and an agent will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

We can also be reached using our contact information below. Our agents are available between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM CST on weekdays to take your calls. Emails sent will be responded to within 24 hours

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