Evening of Excellence 2023
Our Evening of Excellence is held annually. It’s a fundraiser and proceeds are used to benefit particularly youths within the Rosetown Holiness Christian Church community where we serve.
Th RTHCC Educational Scholarship Fund was instituted in 2019 to further respond to the educational needs of students in the community of Rosetown. This Fund represents an improvement to our on-going students' welfare programme.
Your kind financial support from the previously held Evening of Excellence 2020 and 2021 enabled us to donate 15 Tablets to primary level students and 6 Laptops to secondary level students respectively.
Also, we happily announce that the proceeds and contributions from Evening of Excellence 2022 assisted a total of 5 students from high school through to tertiary level with scholarship grants.
Please purchase a ticket or 2 or more ….and join us on our journey "To TRANSFORM, RESTORE AND AFFIRM the Rose Town community and its environs through this Educational Fund. Every ticket purchased and every donation given will benefit a Student in the Rose Town Holiness Christian Church community.
It’s also an opportunity to enjoy an Evening of Excellence showcasing the Performing Arts as we CELEBRATE GOD’S GRACE, NO EXCUSE!
Tickets are also available at the church or on the day, at the door.
Sunday, November 12, 2023 | TIME: 5:30 pm | Rosetown Holiness Christian Church | Kingston 13 JAMAICA |