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Imago Dei Live

We were live online with our fundraising concert on https://www.youtube.com/swallowfieldchapel but you can still give to the cause; just sroll down to give online today.

Owing to Marq Johnson's undying passion to positively influence the next generation, particularly young men, Imago Dei Life will be raising funds to complete his debut album dedicated to the world's youth and to support the work he continues to do in reaching teenagers through high school concerts, youth conferences, school tours, events at children's homes, ministry in boys homes and sharing his music and message at juvenile correctional facilities.

Marq's growing burden for young men, particularly those incarcerated in juvenile correctional facilities, has given rise to his support of the Prison Ministry under the Ministry of Justice Chaplaincy Unit through visitation and ministry in music and spoken word. However, this event is intended to help Marq demonstrate his support in more tangible and practical ways for the lives of who considers to be "his sons".

You are invited to help us help our sons by giving online, right here, or contact us to indicate your preferred method of payment.

Hosted By: Imago Dei Life

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