
Paul Barclay- 4 A Reason - A Journey of Treatment, Faith and Healing.

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Six years ago I had a major health situation regarding a rare bone cancer.
Today I'm here because my life is still in his hands and God has allowed a return of this condition to my body in a more aggressive way.
Stay tuned to Spurr Open, and other social media platforms for more details and how you can help on this journey of faith and purpose.

Paulbkatalys Media Fund
876 361 3998 | wpaulbarclay.gmail.com

Give Online Here

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Other direct local bank details for ease of any support you wish to provide:
William Barclay
Portmore Branch.

National Commercial Bank
William Barclay
364 602 588

First Caribbean
William Barclay Or
Paul B. Publishing
New Kingston Branch

US Based Donations
Zelle : marlonasenior@gmail.com this one
(Former Katalys Member / Friend)

Please feel free to call me and I am thankful for your support.
876 361 3998

My Story

Greetings, this is Paul Barclay im hoping you are doing well

You support over the years has been well appreciated and has assisted me in overcoming many challenges.

I am using this medium to share that some weeks ago at one of my periodic checks with oncologist which I have maintained with the hospital since surgery 6 years ago, that I was now diagnosed with advanced stage multiple myeloma, which is an aggressive cancer of the bone. Since my diagnosis I have started efforts to update as many persons as I can while attending to the emergency requirements, which includes multiple visits to hospital, specialists, various tests etc. and it has become increasingly difficult to make the calls as desired. As such, I have chosen this medium as it has become the best way to share and have the message passed on.

About 6 years ago due to plasmacytoma I underwent a major reconstructive surgery on the lower spinal chord replacing a crumbled L4 & L5 bone and supporting them with metal rods, radio therapy, and had to learn to walk again. Thanks be to God, and your support, I did walk after 8 months. 

Multiple myloma now means that the condition which broke down that bone initially  is now in multiple places over my body and in a fast way is breaking down the bones in those areas, hence the fast  paced at which the treatments have had to be implemented. A significant part of the bone in my left leg has broken down so severely that I now walk with a crutch to avoid breaking that bone.  

Since the diagnosis:

1.  I Started chemo therapy on 15th July

2. Urgent surgery to my left leg is scheduled to stabilize my left leg. This includes securing metal rods. 

3. Post surgery, I will also require  radiotherapy daily for the entire body for 8 weeks along with the ongoing chemo therapy.

4. Also, I learnt I will require a dental procedure. As a side aside effect of one of the medication, is that it could breakdown the facial bones and gum leading to severe facial disfiguration,  The dentist consultation was done on  July 20th. The dentist has identified a number of breaches that has to be fixed before I get this specific medication.5.  I also started working with a specialist  consultant who supports immune health and helps with withstanding the negative impacts of the treatments.

I am also advised that there could be more steps and I will be advised based on my response to these treatments. 

I am requesting your help in any way possible. 

To fully take on the treatments prescribed. Which will require payment for the procedures mentioned, medication, the iron rods to be implanted in my leg, back brace and post surgery rehabilitation procedures, all of which cost approximately $447,000 *(US$3000)* upfront for the one time activities and $246,000 *(US$ 1500)* Monthly for the recurring activities, which I estimate I need help with for atleast 6 months initially.  

For persons who would want to support specifics Items, find below a list of some of the costs associated.

1. The Left Femural Shaft or iron rod is $38,400 (us$250)

(Insurance Reduced)(Original Cost $168,000)

2. The Upper Back Brace $17,740 - (us$120)

(Insurance Reduced) (Original Cost $87,700)


While the monthly items are 

1. Paid chemo which is Lenalidomide  available for appx. $30,000 - (us$200) (After Insurànce) every 21 days for  6 months

2. The immuno support consultant 51,000 - (us$350) monthly for 6 months

3. Post rehabilitative support and physio approx $25,000 - (us$160) Monthly 

4. And due to my inability to work with consistently during this period, support would be needed for with my  monthly living expenses or any part thereof where possible:

This includes  utilities, food, gas, health insurance, for $140,000 - (us$900) monthly, conservatively

As with anything there may be unforseen costs, and at this time I am doing my best to give a forecast ahead of being admitted and likely limited in my ability to do this update. I anticipate admittance should not be longer than 2 weeks after which radiotherapy will commence and I will at that time require transportation assistance with getting to and from the treatments. 

My hope for progress is VERY STRONG  and I have spoken to others who have had the same situation and they are making good progress for years now. 

I am sharing my bank account details for ease of any support you wish to provide:


William Barclay



Portmore Branch. 


National Commercial Bank 

William Barclay

364 602 588




First Caribbean 

William Barclay Or

Paul B. Publishing


New Kingston Branch



Zelle :

marlonasenior@gmail.com this one (Former Katalys Member / Friend) 



Notwithstanding the key to success is your support in prayers.

Please feel free to call me and I am once again ever grateful for your support.

876 361 3998

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