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Request a booth for Send Daniel to Lausanne 4 South Korea!

Send Daniel to Lausanne 4 South Korea!

35000 people applied! 5000 got through! I am one of them! The Lausanne Movement was started by Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. John Stott 50 years ago. This momentous congress is scheduled for September 22-28, 2024. This is a rare opportunity and such a blessing. I am kindly requesting your financial empowerment to participate in this global congress. This congress will discuss the state of the global Church in terms of missions and evangelism and how we can respond as global leaders. The cost for registration, accommodation, and flights is US$ 3600 with breakdown as follows:

• Discounted Registration Fee: $950 USD
• Airfare: $ 2300 USD
• Hotel Accommodation: sponsored
• Miscellaneous (Incl Breakfast) $350 USD

Please stand with me as I seek to fulfill my God-given destiny impacting nations for Jesus.

Hosted By: Daniel Thomas

Songdo Convensia
Sunday, September 22, 2024 TIME:

Total: 0.00

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