
Sea the Change Foundation

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Vision Statement:
To lead the way in safeguarding Falmouth's marine treasures, ensuring their resilience, enduring beauty and ecological vitality for generations to come.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to protect and preserve Falmouth's marine ecosystems by fostering climate action, environmental awareness, sustainable practices, and community engagement. Through research, education, and collaboration, we strive to create a thriving and harmonious coastal environment in this emerging tourist destination.

Falmouth, one of Jamaica's historic coastal towns, has seen rapid development as a tourism destination, but it has also grappled with environmental issues like pollution in its drains and shorelines. Our mission is to promote environmental protection and climate resilience in Falmouth by supporting the sustainable development of a vital beachfront property as a nature park. This park will serve as a responsible and educational hub for the local communities, offering a safe and comfortable space for environmental conservation projects and eco-friendly activities. By doing so, we aim to enhance cultural vitality and provide education on effective environmental management practices. Through interpretive and interactive programs, we intend to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change and inspire active participation in advocacy and conservation efforts among students, residents, and tourists in Falmouth.

Sea the Change Foundation Ltd.
8763367183 | seathechangefoundation@gmail.com

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