Renew Restore Rejuvenate Detox Program
A step by step guide to renew your life, restore health and rejuvenate your system outlined in our 7 days complete body detox program.
Register now! US$150.00 will give you a 7 day detox kit and access to the zoom presentation outlining this program. Participants can join our group whatsapp to gain access to team members so your never alone on this journey.!
IT'S SUMMER, LET THE CHANGE BEGIN! It's time for a new start!
Get the package, get recipes and cooking demonstration to change your life!
For more information contact us 876-238-0288, 876-781-1197
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 TIME: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Registration Options
Renew Restore Detox Program
A 7 day complete body detox kit and access to the zoom presentation outlining the program. Get the package, whatsapp support, get recipes and cooking demonstration to change your life!
$150.00 USD
Fees/charges may apply