Professional Swimming Goggles for both men, women and children. Anti-fog UV Protection Swimming Goggles which is also waterproof and made of Silicone.
$2,000.00 JMD
Motivational hand bands
Wearing this external piece of motivation will give anyone a boost of energy to push on whenever challenges arise. Get yours Today!
$350.00 JMD
Swim Cap
Outside of needing a swim cap for competition. A swim cap reduces friction and allows each swimmer to move faster through the water, without being weighed down by their hair due to absorption. It is an essential item needed as one engages the sport.
$900.00 JMD
600ML Water bottle (Plastic)
The 600ml Plastic sports water bottle is an essential item to help keep you hydrated. As energy is exerted, the best way to go is to refuel and be refreshed. Get yours today!
$2,300.00 JMD
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